Wednesday, 22 July 2009

USA halten an Sanktionen gegen Birma fest

Washington (AP) Das US-Repräsentantenhaus hat am Dienstag für die Beibehaltung von Sanktionen gegen das Militärregime in Birma gestimmt. Nun muss noch der Senat der Verlängerung der erstmals 2003 beschlossenen Strafmaßnahmen zustimmen. Die Sanktionen sehen unter anderem das Verbot bestimmter Importe aus dem südostasiatischen Land vor, darunter auch Jade und andere Edelsteine. US-Abgeordnete fordern auch die sofortige Freilassung der Oppositionsführerin und Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Aung San Suu Kyi.

Legislative Bulletin...............................................July 23, 2008

H.J.Res. 93—Approving the renewal of import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and
Democracy Act of 2003

H.J.Res. 93—Approving the renewal of import restrictions contained in the
Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003 (Crowley, D-NY)

Order of Business: H.J.Res. 93 is scheduled to be considered on Wednesday, July 23, 2008,
under a motion to suspend the rules and pass the resolution.
Summary: H.J.Res. 93 would renew the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003 (PL
108-61) for one year, through July 26, 2009. The Act prohibits the importation of Burmese
products into the United States. The sanction was initially approved in response to the human
rights abuses perpetrated by the military regimes in control of Burma. The sanctions could be
lifted if the President assured Congress that certain human rights conditions have been met.

Additional Background: The Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003 was enacted in
2003 to respond to the Burmese military regimes’ rampant abuses of human rights. In order for
the ban to be lifted, the President would have to report measured and lasting progress by the
Burmese government in an effort to end human rights violations, uphold worker’s rights,
implement a democratic government and election process, allow free speech, allow freedom of
religion, and release political prisoners. However, the militaristic regime in Burma has failed to
make these efforts and the human rights conditions in Burma have worsened. In August, 2007,
thousands of peaceful protesters marched in the streets of cities all across Burma in one of the
nation’s largest-ever peaceful protest against the regime.
Within a month an estimated 100,000
people were marching peacefully in protest in Burma. The Burmese regime responded to the
peaceful protests with a violent crackdown which culminated with beating and opening fire on unarmed protesters. Outside organizations estimate that some 3,000 Burmese protesters were
detained during the crackdown and that unwarranted arrests of anti-regime protesters persist in


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