Thursday, 25 February 2010

Media persona aufgefordert, beizutreten Pro-Demokratie-Bewegung

Chiang Mai (Mizzima) - Media Person im In-und Ausland, wurden ermahnt, die Pro-Demokratie-Kampf in Burma, von renommierten Journalisten Ludu Sein Win und Regisseur Win PE anzuschließen.

In einer Video-Kommuniqué zu den Burma Medienkonferenz gesendet wird im Norden von Thailand vom 24. Februar statt, sagte Ludu Sein Win, "Ziel der Medien ist mit der Sache der Demokratie und der Freiheit unseres Landes interlaced. So möchte ich Sie alle bitten die Hände reichen und der gegenseitigen Unterstützung und Zusammenarbeit, bis Sie Ihr Ziel erreichen. "

Ludu Sein Win gefeiert Medien Personen unter Angriff durch die Gegner und gegen die gerechte Sache und in der Wahrheit, weil sie auf der Seite des Volkes und des Landes sind.

Berühmte Schriftsteller und Regisseur Win Pe sagte in seiner Botschaft, dass das Militärregime hatte nicht nur ergriff die Exekutive, Legislative und Judikative Säulen, die durch militärische Macht, sondern hatte auch ergriff die vierte Säule - die Medien.

"Das Wichtigste ist die vierte Säule - die Medien. Es ist nicht nur stören und steckten ihre Nase in den Medien, bleibt die Tatsache, die Medien nicht in Birma gibt es in allen", sagte er.

"Ich möchte heute bei dieser Gelegenheit können Sie alles, Mitglieder der Medien für den Fortschritt, Goodwill, Sicherheit und Freiheit in unserem Land - die Union of Burma tun", sagte Win Pe.

Die Birma-Medienkonferenz wird für drei Tage und wird von Nachrichtenagenturen In-und Ausland besucht, Politiker, Blogger und Nichtregierungsorganisationen, auf die über 100 Mitarbeiter.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Obama got the DEAF EARS on the Burmese American Imprisonment

Nyi Nyi Aung, a Burmese American has been framed and imprisoned in Burma by military regime. 

Unlike the case of crazy John Yettaw who swam across the lake to the villa of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's residence because of which our precious National Leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has been put under house arrest again, there seem to be no one hearing the outcries of the Nyi Nyi Aung's wife as well as from Burma Democracy Movement calling for US Government to put pressure on Burmese junta to release him. 

American government showed serious concerns for the release of John Yettaw and Jim Webb was swift to fly Burma securing the release of the White American, John Yettaw. 

If Obama administration doesn't take timely action, it would give the impression that since Nyi Nyi Aung is a Burmese Asian American, Obama’s administration pays little attention on his freedom. One would bet that Obama will take action seriously if Nyi Nyi Aung were the White American like John Yettaw or Black American like himself, if necessary; he would rage war with junta. 

The Burma Democratic Concern (BDC)'s media coordinator Buffalohair wrote that "It is sad to note that Burma’s struggle for democracy was kicked in the teeth by the very country they wanted to emulate in democracy."1

According to the letter of wife of Nyi Nyi Aung which appears in “The Strait Times”, she said – “to the President Obama and Secretary Clinton, my message is simple. Neither your words nor your actions show that you take my fiancé’s imprisonment seriously,” she wrote. “I beg you to stop ignoring his plight, and to help secure his release from this illegal and unjust imprisonment. Just as Nyi Nyi continues to live up to the oath we took to defend America, please, live up to the promise America made to defend us.”2

It is a sad story for a heart-breaking wife Wa Wa Kyaw and also it is true to say that she felt betrayed by the US government. We are very concerned that why Obama administration is so slow and so low in taking action to secure the release of the Burmese American citizen. 

One might pray that there shouldn't be any discrimination in the United Sates or above all in the world at large. 

In the letter sent to Aung San Suu Kyi's 63rd birthday, Obama'd stated that "If the junta continues its failure to protect the dignity, health and well-being of the Burmese people, the international community must be prepared to work harder toward effective coordinated action, including but not limited to action through the United Nations Security Council." 

But, Obama has been so silence on Burma crisis since he came to power and I would like Obama to be aware that Burma crisis is in very critical situation. Military junta is planning to hold sham elections in 2010 in order to legitimise military rule in Burma. This is the time to translate words into actions for the Obama administration. 

Obama you must speak up for Nyi Nyi Aung and you must speak up for Burma NOW! 

NOW is the time. 

Myo Thein
Burma democratic Concern (BDC)



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Thursday, 18 February 2010

UN-Gesandter trifft sich mit Tin Oo

UN-Gesandter trifft sich mit Tin Oo

Der UN-Gesandte für Birma, Tomás Ojea Quintana, hat der oppositionellen Nationalen Liga für Demokratie gesagt (NLD) Stellvertreter Tin Oo, dass er erwartet, dass mit Aung San Suu Kyi treffen, bevor er seinen Besuch schließt morgen.

Am Donnerstag traf sich der UN-Gesandte mit Tin Oo, dem stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden der NLD, der veröffentlicht wurde nach sechs Jahren Hausarrest am vergangenen Wochenende, als auch andere hohe Amtsträger der Partei als Teil seines fünftägigen Besuch in Birma auf die Menschenrechtssituation Studie im Vorfeld der Wahl.

Tin Oo, 82, wurde festgenommen Suu Kyi im Jahr 2003 nach einer Regierung verhaftet-backed Pöbel angegriffen ihren Autokorso während einer politischen Reise in Ober-Birma.

Während der einstündigen Sitzung, Quintana Tin Oo und fünf NLD Beamten, einschließlich Win Tin erzählt, dass er von Treffen mit Suu Kyi hofft, bevor er seinen Besuch schließt am Freitag, dem NLD-Sprecher sagte Khin Maung Swe, die beigetreten sind auch auf der Sitzung.

"U Tin Oo sagte Quintana, dass Aung San Suu Kyi freigelassen werden, wenn das Regime will, daß sie in den Prozess der nationalen Aussöhnung zu beteiligen und auch, weil sie nach einem Gesetz aus der Verfassung von 1974, die nicht mehr existiert," Khin Maung Swe Gewahrsam genommen werden, sagte der Irrawaddy.

Wenn Quintana fragte nach Position der NLD über die Wahl, sagte der Parteifunktionäre, dass sie noch nicht entschieden, ob sie teilnehmen oder nicht. Die Entscheidung wird erst nach einem Treffen mit Parteichef Suu Kyi getroffen werden, sagten sie.

"Wir haben gesagt, dass auch nach dem Wahlgesetz freigegeben wird, wird es eine Herausforderung für die Partei zu entscheiden, an der Wahl ohne die Freilassung von Aung San Suu Kyi beteiligen", Khin Maung Swe gesagt werden.

"Erstens ist es wichtig, mit Daw Suu gerecht zu werden, und zweitens ist es wichtig, mit einem Rauschabstand von Meet-Gen Than Shwe,", sagte Khin Maung Swe, fügte hinzu, dass ohne diese Maßnahmen gibt es keine politische Lösung gefunden werde.

Am Freitag, Quintana mit Regierungsbeamten in Naypyidaw zu erfüllen, bevor er nach Rangun.

Der UN-Gesandte ging in das berüchtigte Gefängnis Insein am Donnerstag Mittag auf die Behandlung der birmanischen Behörden, der politischen Gefangenen zu untersuchen.

Das Regime hat immer wieder gesagt, dass die Wahl in diesem Jahr sein wird wenn es nicht einen Termin noch ausgestellt Wahlgesetze. Nichtsdestoweniger bleibt sie ihre harte Vorgehen gegen die Dissidenten. Vier Dissidenten wurden zu Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt, am Montag, dem Tag der UN-Gesandte kam.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Burma: Bogyoke Aung San’s Spirit is in our Hearts, Mind and Souls

February 13, 1915, is the birthday of our nation’s independence hero, father of Aung San Suu Kyi, Bogyoke Aung San's birthday. He was assassinated by pro-colonialists only one year before we gained independence from British. 

Bogyoke Aung San's spirit is in our blood and we will never bow down to neither imperialist nor fascists nor military dictatorship for shaping our country future. Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) is very glad to learn that new generation of our (Burmese) brothers and sisters are keeping alight the torch of Bogyoke Aung San's spirit. 

“So then we must labour together in the common cause which concerns all and affects everybody. This is the best way in which we can show our highest sense of homage to our heroes; this is the only way in which we can accomplish the mission before us and find our salvation. We must strive and work all of us, until we become heroes all, so that we can ultimately dispense with any leader or leadership. For only then we can have freedom in a real and absolute sense. But I have gone far ahead. We have yet to win our national freedom before we can hope to help ourselves progressively to that absolute conception of freedom,” said Bogyoke Aung San.

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Saturday, 13 February 2010

Burma: U Tin Oo, Leader of 1990 Election Wining Party Released

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) welcome the release of our Hero, U Tin Oo, Leader of 1990 Election Wining Party (NLD) 

13 February 2010

Today NLD's leader, Aung San Suu Kyi's very close comrade, U Tin Oo is now released. He is the man of action and Burmese people believe in his leadership. U Tin Oo earned deep respects and high regards in the Burma's military. This is the reason why junta put him under house arrest or in prison most of the time. He is the ex-commander in chief of the military and he earned "Thura Title" for his bravery in the battle which would equivalent to Victoria Cross. 

U Tin Oo is the legitimate elected leader of Burma according to the 1990 election held by the very junta who is ruling Burma today. He shouldn’t be in the prison or under house arrest at the first place. 

If the military regime truly wanted to see national reconciliation, they must release all the political prisoners unconditionally and immediately as well as they must grantee that they won’t find any excuses to do illegitimate arrest again. This would be very very basic minimum benchmark junta must do.

U Tin Oo’s party, National League for Democracy, the victor of 1990 election clearly stated their position in “Shwe-Gone-Daing” declaration that need to place in order to have true national reconciliation in Burma, i.e. to

1. Release all the political prisoners
2. Review 2008 Constitution 
3. Allow to reopen NLD and ethnic nationalities offices 
4. Recognise 1990 election result
5. Take place political dialogue 

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) welcomes the release of our leader, U Tin Oo but unless junta fulfils above five main principles demanded by legitimate leaders of Burma, we cannot say that Burma is on the road to positive change. 

We truly believe that with the added leadership of U Tin Oo, NLD will effectively drive Burma future to the better place. 

For more information please contact Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at 

Myo Thein
00-44-208 493 9137
00-44-787 788 2386

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Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Burma constitution that underpins the election is deeply flawed

British Government: As long as the elections are contested on the current constitution, whatever the outcome they cannot be recognised by the international community

01 February 2010

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) today welcomes the British Government stands on Burmese junta’s 2008 constitution and planned 2010 election.

Written in the Hansard, Mr. Ivan Lewis, the Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office said that “The constitution that underpins the election is deeply flawed. It is designed to perpetuate military rule in Burma. As long as the elections are contested on the current constitution, whatever the outcome they cannot be recognised by the international community.” And he went on saying that “It must be clear that without the release of political prisoners and a commitment to an inclusive process in respect of opposition and ethnic groups, the forthcoming elections in Burma will not be recognised by the international community-indeed, they will be entirely illegitimate.” 

Mr. Lewis said that “We continue to call for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi. We have made it clear that the elections cannot be credible if political prisoners are not free and able to engage in an inclusive process. We have lobbied China, India and Association of South East Nations members to recognise that only free and fair elections will lead to a stable and secure Burma. We support the UN Secretary-General's continued engagement. Tough EU sanctions will remain in place in the absence of any progress. It is equally important that the entire international community gives a united response to any election outcome. If there were any suggestion that some members of the international community attempted in any way to legitimise that outcome, that would be very dangerous in terms of strengthening the regime. What we seek to achieve is maximum unity of response on the basis that the election will be fought on a flawed constitution.” 

Myo Thein, the Director at the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) said, “We are very glad to learn British Government’s clear stand on democratisation of Burma and significantly they do not playing into the junta’s illegal 2010 election. We hope that other democratic countries around the world would follow the lead of British Government listening to the genuine voices of people of Burma.” 

Junta plotted the ploy and imprisoned Aung San Suu Kyi which is tantamount to turning back on dialogue and ultimately national reconciliation. 

With reference to United Nations’ responsibility on democratisation of Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi said that “United Nations should demand the military regime to do national reconciliation first before holding the 2010 election. Otherwise the elections will be illegal, unjust and lack of credibility if it is held before facilitating to take place the national reconciliation”. 

A tremendous responsibility rests upon the United Nations Organization to a far better end, and we are looking for a more positive and bolder lead of the United Nations as military regime is trying to nullify the results of the 1990 elections by planning to hold sham election in 2010 even though National League for Democracy (NLD) clearly stated their position in the “Shwe-Gone-Dine” declaration that need to place in order to have genuine national reconciliation in Burma. 

Khin Maung Win, the Director at the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) said, “The vital issue here is that 1990 election results are still yet to be honoured and the planned elections will be held in accord with 2008 constitution. The essence of the 2008 Constitution is to guarantee impunity indefinitely and the 2010 election will implement it. Moreover, it is systematically designed to entrench military rule in Burma.” 

U Tint Swe Thi Ha, the Patron at the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) said, “As long as military regime is in power in one form or another, Burma will not be a peaceful state and moreover it will threaten regional stability leading to destabilizing of peace in the world at large since junta has the ambition of possessing nuclear weapons.” 

Daw Khin Aye Aye Mar, the Patron at the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) said, “In addition, the suffering of people of Burma will be never-ending since junta will always extinguish democratic principles and ethnics’ rights with brutal force in order to hold on power. The free and democratic world has a moral responsibility to intervene on behalf of humanity. We want to build democratic Burma prevailing peace, prosperity and progress in the country where everyone can enjoy the freedom of speech, press, beliefs, assembly and rule of law that emphasizes the protection of individual rights.” 

For more information please contact Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at; 

Myo Thein 00-44-787-788-2386 
Khin Maung Win 00-1-941-961-2622 
U Tint Swe Thi Ha 00-1-509-582-3261 
Daw Khin Aye Aye Mar 00-1-509-586-8309 

Notes to Editor: 

1. Burma Constitutional Conference was held in UK, London on 19/20 December 2009 organised by Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) and FBE-UK attended by delegates based in UK 

2. Burma Constitutional Conference unanimously adopted the working strategy resolution 

3. Burmese delegation from NLD-LA-UK, Burma Lawyers’ Council, Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) and Women of Burma (UK) met with FCO officials on 21 December 2009 in order to explain current situation of Burma, the importance of 1990 election results, junta’s 2008 constitution, and planned 2010 election after the Burma Constitutional Conference 

4. Gordon Brown has sent a letter to Aung San Suu Kyi on 30 Dec 2009 by saying that “If the scheduled elections proceed under a rigged constitution, with opposition leaders excluded and with no international oversight, the military rulers will be condemning Burma to more years of diplomatic isolation and economic stagnation” 

5. Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) launched “Yes We Can” Campaign on 4th January 2010 in order to speed up to implement 1990 election result in Burma, to change junta’s sham 2008 constitution and to Boycott junta’s planned sham 2010 election 

6. Hansard (the Official Report) is the edited verbatim report of proceedings in both Houses. It is an edited record of what was said in the British Parliament 

7. Global Action for Burma (GAB), the coalition of 141 Burmese democratic and ethnics organisations around the world based inside and outside Burma working collectively together to bring about genuine democracy, human rights and rule of law in Burma, on 26 January 2010 call for United Nations Security Council to declare junta’s 2008 constitution as NULL & VOID 

8. 14th Forum of Burmese in Europe was held in Germany, Frankfurt on 16/17 January 2010 attended by Burmese delegates from around the Europe. The FBE conference adopted the Burma Constitutional Conference working strategy resolution unanimously 

9. Foreign office minister Bill Rammel said on 01 May 2009 that “The regime has pressed ahead with its flawed roadmap process, which looks set to bring about elections in 2010 that entrench military rule” 

10. Aung San Suu Kyi said on 24 July 2009 that “United Nations should demand the military regime to do national reconciliation first before holding the 2010 election. Otherwise it will be illegal, unjust and lack of credibility if it is held before facilitating to take place the national reconciliation”

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Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Mönche rufen zum Boycott Daw Aung San Suu,s Bruder auf

TUESDAY, 02 FEBRUARY 2010 15:28

The All Burma Monks Organization (ABMO) has declared Aung San Oo, brother of Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi as unethical and rejected his association with Buddhism for not withdrawing a case filed against his detained younger sister.

The ABMO, in their statement, said as Aung San Oo has failed to reply to them by the January 31 deadline they have given him, they would impose religious sanction, known as ‘Pattani Kuzanakan’, an act of boycott by the monks, on him and his wife Le Le Nwe Thein.

The secret monk’s organization sent a letter to him on January 24, asking him to withdraw the case he had filed against his sister, Aung San Suu Kyi. The monks said, filing an inheritance case on the estate and filing the letter of administration of this inheritance are tantamount to harassing Suu Kyi and attempting to evict her from the house, which they interpret as attack against the people.

Pattani Kuzanakan, in Buddhist canon, means imposing boycott against the offender and prohibits any monks from accepting offertories and preaching sermon to the offender and literally outcast them from the Buddhist society.

But the monks said, they are willing to withdraw all religious sanctions against them if Aung San Oo withdraws the cases and objections filed against his sister, Aung San Suu Kyi under various laws. Of the two living children of Burma’s Independence architect Bogyoke (General) Aung San, Aung San Oo, an engineer by profession, has close ties with the regime, contrary to his younger sister. Despite his US citizenship, he is believed to own a plot in the ancient city of Pagan. Le Le Nwe Thein is widely believed to harbour political ambitious.

An abbot from Rangoon Division Sangha Maha Nayaka said that five monks can represent the entire monks and call for Pattani Kuzanakan. And as the offenders are imposed religious sanctions they can no longer worship the three Buddhist Ratna (jewels) – Lord Buddha, his Dhama (teaching) and the Sangha (monks) – thus they have no opportunity of attaining good merits in the Sansara.

“Buddhists usually invite monks to their religious ceremonies and funerals. If someone is an outcast from the Buddhist society, these people will lose all their religious rights,” Abbot Bahhanta Kawthala said.

After the brutal crackdown on monk-led protest in September 2007 by the military regime, monks at home and abroad have called for Pattani Kuzanakan against Senior Gen Than Shwe and his family members, senior military officers and the perpetrators involved in the violent crackdown.

However, the Burmese Military Generals led by Snr Gen Than Shwe are still seen continuing perform religious activities including hoisting of umbrellas at the pagodas and offering food to abbots and monks.

“Whatever they [the Generals] do in their religious activities under either reverence or pretensions or under mandatory pressures for political reasons, offenders who are being boycotted or of whom the Pattani Kuzanakan has provoked cannot gain good merits and their efforts would be in vain,” U Sandaw Batha Sara said, a Central Committee member of the International Monks Organization (Sasana Moli), told Mizzima.

In 1990, monks in Burma’s ancient capital of Mandalay declared the Pattani Kuzanakan against the ruling government, and it was joined by over 20,000 monks. Authorities, in order to subdue the protest, arrested several monks.

According to the Thailand-based ‘Assistance Association Political Prisoners-Burma’ (AAPP-B), over 250 monks are still lingering in prisons across the country.

Burmesische Soldaten brennen Dörfer der Karen nieder und töten Bewohner

Burmese+Solider+Kill+Karen+Villagers+and+Burn+Down+Villages FBR

Thai Army sendet Karen Flüchtlinge zurück

Die Karen Frauen Organisation hat am Dienstag in einer Presseerklärung die Regierung Thailands gebeten die mehr als 3000 Flüchtlinge,größtenteils Frauen und Kinder, nicht gewaltsam nach Burma zu senden.
Nach Angaben der Organisation sind die Karen aus der Region Ler Per Her vor Kämpfen mit der Burmesischen Armee letzten Juni geflohen.
Den Flüchtlingen war ein zeitliches Aufenthalts Recht in verschiedenen Orten der Provinz Tak, Nord Thailand zugesichert worden.
Aber die Thailändische Armee hat wiederholt die Flüchtlinge aufgefordert nach Hause zu gehen, ihnen erzählt sie müssten das Land bis 15.Februar verlassen haben.Es ist nicht klar warum der Termin der Rückführung Mitte Februar ist.
Einige Flüchtlinge wurden bereits gezwungen die Grenze zu überqueren und in Vorbereitung auf die Ankunft der restlichen Flüchtlinge ihre Dörfer wieder aufzubauen,was von der Karen Organisation als “sehr gefährlich” eingestuft wurde.
“Die Flüchtlinge leben jetzt in einem steten Angstzustand vor der Auslieferung in ein stark vermintes Landgebiet ,indem der Konflikt jederzeit wieder ausbrechen könne.”
“Wir bitten die Thai Regierung ihre Menschlichkeit zu zeigen und die Auslieferung zu stoppen und ihnen Sicherheit auf thailändischem Boden zu gewähren.”so Blooming Night Zan ein führendes Mitglied der Karen Organisation.

Global Action for Burma:UNSC muss die 2008 Verfassung der Junta als NULL und Nichtig erklären

Das Ziel dieser 2008 Verfassung ist einzig und allein dem Militärregime in Birma eine dauerhafte Kontrolle über das Land zu sichern und zu legitimieren.

Die Junta, die über das Land herrscht, hielt die Wahl 1990, in der die Partei von Aung San Suu Kyi ,die Nationale Liga für die Demokratie (NLD) ,einen Landes weiten Sieg erzielte. Doch bis heute ist das Ergebnis dieser Wahl von der Junta nicht anerkannt. Anstatt das Wahlergebnis von 1990- anzuerkennen, entwarf die Junta die Verfassung 2008 um ihre militärische Position in Birma zu legitimieren und plant jetzt eine neue schändliche Wahl 2010 zu halten.
Aung San Suu Kyi und ihre Partei,die Nationale Liga für die Demokratie (NLD), die eindeutigen Sieger der 1990 Wahl, setzten klar ihre Positionen in der “Shwe-Gone-Dine”,einem Dokument veröffentlicht im April 2009, fest, die erfüllt werden müssen um eine nationalen Übereinstimmung zu erreichen:

Freilassung aller politischen Gefangenen
Nachprüfen der-2008-Verfassung
Wiedereröffnung der Parteibüros der NLD und der ethnischen Nationalitäten
Anerkennung des 1990 Wahlergebnisses
Politischer Dialog

Die Junta hat die Stimmen der legitimen Führer und Menschen Birmas ignoriert und hat einseitig entschieden, um so die militärische Zwangsherrschaft in Birma dauerhaft zu verschanzen. Die geplante 2010-Wahl der Junta ist nur eine Scharade, entworfen, um die militärische Zwangsherrschaft innerhalb Birmas zu legitimieren.
Die Junta,überzeugt von ihrem Sieg, hat bereits Pläne für nach der Wahl gemacht, die klar aufzeigen, dass diese Wahl eine Täuschung ist. Offensichtlich wird es keine Notwendigkeit der Stimmenzählung geben.
Bevor wir die vorgeschlagene 2010-Wahl der Junta angehen, müssen wir auf die Gültigkeit der kürzlich angenommenen Verfassung eingehen . Entworfen von der Junta ist dieses Dokument alles andere als glaubwürdig oder rechtsstaatlich. Nichts was dieses Dokument representiert ist frei und gerecht.

Die Internationale Gemeinschaft sollte sich des hoffnungslos, unvereinbaren Inhalts der Verfassung von 2008 bewusst sein. Das Referendum ist unter zweifelhaften Bedingungen einschließlich Erpressung und manipulierten Stimmzettel entstanden.
Wir würden gern besondere Aufmerksamkeit auf diese Punkte lenken:
Die Junta gab sich selbst Amnestie von den Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit, die es überall in Birma während ihrer Schreckensherrschaft begangen hat.
Das Militärische Regime erhält systematisch 25 % der parlamentarischen Sitze.
Der militärischen Oberbefehlshaber besitzt absolute Autorität das Parlament jederzeit aufzulösen und kann somit effektiv die Stimme des Volkes neutralisieren.

Diese 25 % der parlamentarischen Sitze für die militärische Junta zeigen die ungezähmte, autoritären Kontrolle. Die selbst ernannte Amnestie für ihre Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit war nicht der Wille der birmanischen Menschen, die unter dem Regime leiden. Die Legitimation des kriminellen Regimes war auch nicht der Wille der Bevölkerung. Das ist für sie unverständlich und völlig unannehmbar.Das Wesentliche der 2008 Verfassung- diese soll eine Garantie der Straffreiheit auf unbestimmte Zeit sichern- und diese 2010 Wahl wird diese Garantie der unbestimmten Straffreiheit gegen Menschenrechte garantieren. Deshalb verlangen wir nach der Annullierung von Birmas 2008-Verfassung durch den UN-Sicherheitsrat.

Frankreich fordert die sofortige Freilassung Aung San Suu

Situation von Aung San Suu Kyi (am 27. Januar 2010)

Frankreich reagierte mit der Entschlossenheit auf das weitere Verurteilen von Aung San Suu Kyi am 11. August 2009, und die Europäische Union erhärtete seine Sanktionen.
Frankreich fordert die sofortige Freilassung Aung San Suu und aller Burmesischen politischen Gefangenen. Das ist eine wesentliche Bedingung für die Vertrauenswürdigkeit der geplanten Wahlen in diesem Jahr. Wollen wir nicht vergessen, dass Aung San Suu Kyi 14 der letzten 20 Jahre ihrer Freiheit beraubt wurde, und dass nach Schätzungen die Zahl der inhaftierten politischen Gefangenen bei 2000 liegt.

Frankreich würde gerne konkrete Gesten der birmanischen Regierung sehen die zur Unterstützung des nationalen Versöhnungsprozesses beitragen, der die Opposition und die ethnischen Minderheiten einschließen würde. Das ist besonders dringend vor den angesetzten Wahlen 2010.

U Nwe Aung, the Director of NCUB (Europe) on EU, 1990 Elections Results & Reject 2010 Election

U Nwe Aung, the Director of NCUB (Europe), on EU, 1990 Elections Results & Reject 2010 Election.

He said that-

Forum of Burmese in Europe should take action emphasising , focusing more on EU common position.

The resolution came out from the Forum should be effective because we are asking the EU governments that not to support 2008 military regime’s constitution.

We are very much optimistic and will urge the EU to hear, to listen to the voices of Burmese people in Europe. It is very important.

We will reject 2010 election. Because it is not in line with our 1990 election results.

In 1990 election, we democratic forces including the National League for Democracy led by Aung San Suu Kyi won the election landslide, more than 80%.

As long as the military regime or international community will not recognise the 1990 election results, so we are not interested in 2010 election.

2010 election is meaningless so long as 1990 election results are not honoured and rectified.

Formore information please visit Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at